There has been much discomfort in the transportation community about the amount of funding for transportation infrastructure in the stimulus, or economic recovery, bill reported out of the House Appropriations Committee a week ago Of course, we do not yet know what the final bill will contain for transportation or even the degree to which the House language is reflective of what the new President and his Administration desire, but this first significant legislative action on economic stimulus is an opportunity to remind ourselves of our goals and purposes.
I am not an economist, but it seems to me that the purpose of a stimulus bill is to stimulate the economy and, more specifically, to stimulate job creation. That is why there has been a focus on "shovel-ready" projects and why the House bill contained "use it or lose it" language. Nonetheless, as the Congressional Budget Office noted, there is some delay (often, fairly significant delays) before transportation authorizations are turned into outlays, that is, before they become money actually spent and invested in the economy. Indeed, even though every recent surface transportation authorization bill has been primarily justified on the basis of job creation, no one really knows how many jobs are created by transportation bills or how quickly. My limited exposure to this issue during my service at the U.S. Department of Transportation left me skeptical that there was very much authenticity in, or analytical rigor to, the estimates of "X number of jobs are created for $1 billion of spending" in this sector.
Nonetheless, while we may not know for certain how many jobs are created, or how quickly, by surface transportation spending, clearly these investments make fiscal sense in the current economic environment. With that in mind, let's continue to remember that job creation is the purpose of the transportation spending in this stimulus bill. The transportation sections of a stimulus bill are not designed to correct the serious shortfalls that we have had in infrastructure investment in this country for many years or to correct the fact that much of the surface transportation money that has been authorized by Congress in recent bills has not always been spent wisely.
Our goals should remain constant: however much money for transportation is contained in the final stimulus or economic recovery bill, those funds should be spent on "good" projects. That means projects that are likely to bring the greatest economic returns in the shortest time. Most often, these will be projects designed to restore transportation facilities and networks to states of good repair and to enhance the operational efficiency and productivity of existing systems.
Moreover, the principles of transparency, tracking, and accountability that are in the House stimulus bill should be retained in the final legislative language.
This discussion reminds us that we need significant long-term change in federal surface transportation programs. That is unlikely to happen in a stimulus bill, but we should be certain that the stimulus bill does not set this effort back. There was -- and, I suppose, there remains -- a risk that the attention on the total level of transportation funding in a stimulus bill would divert us from this purpose and would "swallow-up" the debate over national transportation goals and over the need to establish performance-driven and accountable surface transportation policies.
We need to articulate these national transportation goals, to redefine the federal role in transportation, to assure funding mechanisms that advance performance and accountability, to "get the prices right" in transportation (as the Eddington Report advocated for the U.K)., and to reform fundamentally federal surface transportation programs. These challenges will only be met in the surface transportation authorization bill yet before us, and these challenges will remain, no matter the level of transportation funding in the final stimulus bill.
-Emil Frankel